Open Letter to the Ontario Ministries of Education; Health; and Children, Community and Social Services (Click here to endorse)
Please consider sending your own personalized version of this to Ministers Lecce, Elliott and Smith, and to your own legislative representative. We encourage you to speak from your heart, while drawing on some of the evidence we mention below.
Taskforce for feedback on the framework for education EDU.consultation@ontario.ca
Stephen Lecce- Ministry of Education (minister.edu@ontario.ca)
Doug Ford (premier@ontario.ca)
Your local MPP (information here: https://www.ola.org/en/members/current/contact-information)
Christine Elliot- Ministry of Health (christine.elliott@ontario.ca)
Todd Smith - Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MinisterMCCSS@ontario.ca)
Some additional policy statements:
Dear Ministers Lecce, Elliott and Smith;
Thank you for all you have done to maintain some form of education for Ontario’s children during the past few months. We appreciate the complexity of the decisions, and know you have everyone’s best interests in mind.
We are writing to express our concerns over the proposed framework for delivering education this fall. We are very concerned about the potential of rigid re-opening protocols We believe these protocols are no longer warranted given what we now know about this virus:
Children are not the primary source of transmission. The known infection rate in children aged 0-19 years in Ontario is extremely low. 6.58% as of June 7, 2020.(1,2)
Children with COVID-19 experience few or mild symptoms and deaths are rare; there have been no deaths due to COVID-19 in Canadian children.(3,4) This appears to be true even for children with pre-existing co-morbidities.(5)
Children do not appear to be driving the spread of this virus.(5)
Mortality rates for COVID 19 are lower than first anticipated, and most greatly impact the elderly and adults with comorbidities.(6) Infection mortality rates are estimated at 0.26% with over 80% of deaths occurring in long-term care homes.(1)
The risk of transmission via surfaces is not high.(7)
Excessive sanitization during childhood increases the risk of allergic disease.(8)
Children are, however, extremely vulnerable to anxiety and depression due to chronic stress, social isolation and the lack of routine associated with pandemic measures.(9,10) Continuing rigid protocols will reinforce fear and stress with significant potential for long-term mental and emotional trauma. Optimal childhood development requires the creation of friendships, opportunities for peer collaboration, bonding with trusted adults, and the space to be creative and physically active together. For children experiencing adversity at home, school may be one of the only safe places they know; promoting hypervigilance in the classroom (or denying them access to that space at all) exacerbates the toxic stress they already experience, leading to lifelong impacts on physical and mental health. Restrictions due to COVID-19 disproportionately harm already marginalized children.(10)
We ask that you take a hard look at the recently published data and insights from other countries and apply that valuable learning here in Ontario. We are at a very different place than we were in March and universally restrictive measures no longer make any sense. We ask you to:
Lift physical distancing measures for children
Relieve children and teachers from the need to wear masks so they can see each other’s faces
Recommence group physical activity opportunities for children
Allow sharing of materials and toys
Encourage children to regularly wash their hands with soap and water, without overemphasizing extreme routines of sanitization
We strongly encourage you to fully reopen schools in September. Let’s continue to safeguard the vulnerable (people with co-morbidities and the elderly) and reinstate our children’s former learning environment so they can continue to grow and thrive.
Click here for list of endorsing individual and organizations.
Click here for images to share on social media. We suggest that when you post, you add a link to this page and invite others to endorse our call.

Endorsed by:
Naturopathic Doctors for Environmental and Social Trust (NEST)
Leslie Solomonian, ND, MPH (cand.)
Jodie Peacock ND
Dr. Kirsten Perley ND
Christa Reed Kruger, ND
Katy Bartle, Teacher
Warriors Football Booster Club
Dina Eino ND, RAc
Sarah Wyer, ND
Dina Eino ND, RAc
Tammy O’Connor, BSW, MSW, RSW
Dr. Lisa-Ann Bilinsky, ND
Erika Schimek ND
Dr. Carly Wendler BA.Sc, N.D.
Andrew Baker
Kim Kilgar
Dr Alison D Coutts, DC
Christian Betancourt
Carrie Knuckey
Amy Williams
David Williams
Kerry Gilman
Sandra Min, OCT
J.A. Archbold, OCT
Yvonne Cummings B.Ed
Beverley Parker Devlin
Dr. Michelle Myszko, ND, BSc
Labyrinth Holistic Healthcare
Michelle Koning
Karrie Bannerman
Angela Jackson
Donia Eino
Huron Heights football
Heath Weir - Teacher
Jennifer Alexander
Anne Pichora
Sharon Wendler
Alex Clendinning
Marion Haughton
Molly Scotchmer, nd
Ryan Tackaberry
Jen Elementary Teacher
Janine Buisman Wilcox, ND
Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc(Hons), ND
Dr. Jeremy Toman ND
Sarah Tayebi
Shana Shubs
Kerri-Lynn LaPointe, ND, DOMP
Dr Caroline Meyer ND
Karen Mendell
Glow With Us Mobile Massage
Dr. Jessica Bolzicco BSc, ND
Jacki Higenbottam RMT
Dalia Eino, MD
Rich Long
Lisa Neidrauer
Margaret Rahn
Carol Reed
Dr. Joanna Thiessen, ND
Kimberly Weir
Pamela Elgersma
Jennifer Malowney, DC
Dr. Meghan MacKinnon ND
Barb Weir
Tessa Dubeau
Kyle & Pam Arsenault
Virginia Greig - OCT
Sarah Oulahen Turner ND
Gerry Martinez
Dr. Cecilia de Martino, ND
Jennifer Labelle
Anthony Pusztai teacher elementary
Natalie Vinet
Andrea Cleaver ND
Heather Murphy, Teacher
Dr. Andrea Hornyak, N.D.
Melissa Sulley
Brian Perdue
Lisa Laceby
Denise Cooke RHN
Hannah Lafayette-Brooks, ND
Eleanor B Fuke, ND Retired
Lisa Laceby
Dr Nicole Sandilands ND
Dr. Shelly Ordon, ND
Julie Kelk
Jodi Cabral
Dr Morgan Winton, ND
Dr. Stephanie Rubino ND
Eric Ouellet, Ph.D.
Sarah Ramage
Laura Batson, ND
Tony Di Donato
Dr. Jessica Dupont, ND
Samantha Sham
Mark Johnstone
Inga Layman
Dr. Sarah Hawthorn ND R.Ac
Dr Barbara Dao, ND
York Region Lions Football Association
Tanya Braund
Wendy Lahey RN
Darcy Clarmo
Amanda Barry
Alanna wolf
Dr. Sarah Hawthorn ND R.Ac
Nikki Fraser
Brian Fraser
Tatiana Grendus
Carrie M - OCT
Barbara Roberts
Christine Grant
Kristie Lestition
Lauren Heffernan
Alana Hawthorn BES
Felicia Roberts Educational Assistant
Jessie Hawthorn
Anett Algacs
Candace Kikkert, MSW
Susan Azulay
Dr. Barbara Weiss, ND
Gord McCallum
Kathleen Peters (teacher)
Diana Bellehumeur R.N.( retired)
Bronwen Alsop
Beata Strzyzewska RHN
Dr. Tracy Pan, ND
Jessica Medeiros
Kathryn, Kinesiologist
Helen Rendl
Sonia Tuck
Elizabeth Brothers MSc, ND (inactive)
Dr. Elizabeth Cherevaty ND
Aditi chadha
P. Guerrero, Law Clerk
Jina Olberg
Snezana Saunders
DIna Rock
Maria Lagunov
Marijke, Stay-at-home Mother, (Former School Teacher)
Amanda Jensen OCT
Kim Kilgar
Dr Madeleine Elton, ND
Dr Alison D Coutts, DC
Christian Betancourt
Carrie Knuckey
Amy Williams
David Williams
Kerry Gilman
Sandra Min, OCT
J.A. Archbold, OCT
Yvonne Cummings B.Ed
Beverley Parker Devlin
Kristan Graham
Jodie Tatlock
Valerie Elton
Dr. Lorraine Caruso, ND, MSW
Vesna Miuca
Zoran Miuca
Jennifer Duggan
Michelle Cali, ND
Courtney Riddell (camp administrator)
Anna O’Malley
Joanne Grozelle, MBA
Maryellen Tedeschi, ND
Dr.Vivienne Guy, ND
Jennifer Keller ND
Dr Daria Love, DC, ND
Shelley Gibbs, ND
Erica Eckstrand, HBSc
Alysha Maxwell
Nadia Wedge
Rachelle Moncur
Dave Schenkel DC
Scott Weir
Aliyah Alibhai, ND
Elizabeth Stewart
Pam Manning DC
Dr. Jessica Liu, ND
Dr. Tracy Cook, ND
Dr. Laura Margaritis ND
Eloise du Plessis
Rachael Aiken
Felicia Assenza, ND
Bronwen Alsop
Stacy Groenestege
Dara Mussar, Doula
Dr. Natalie Bernicky
Erin Lindeboom
Christine DeGier
Barbara Wilcox OCT elementary
Paula Parker. Elementary school teacher
Lesley Hill, RN, BScN, Public Health Nurse
Jennifer Hillier, ND (inactive)
Ceri Sumner, OCT
Anne Trzcinski
Kailey Hawthorn
Nicole Marone
Rick Brooks
Janna Ecclestone
Stephanie Slater
Dr Breanne Kallonen ND
Jeannette Fitzpatrick
Maja Kulic - dental hygienist
Tarrah Young
Helen Ysselstein
Renata Dziak M.Sc.
Martha can Berkel
Mary Peric, ND
Joanne Anderson
Emma, Teacher
Claire Stevens
Dave Stevens
Dr. Mariam Jamous, ND
Cynthia Solowiejczyk, OCT
Sarah Buisman, OCT
Dr. Jennifer Drummond, ND
Mary Jo Wheeler-Ali - OCT
Eliza Corso RECE
Melanie smidt
Dorothy Geerlinks
Renee Gouveia
Myriam Cottard
Carol Wheeler-retired teacher
Dr. Mariam Jamous, ND
Dr. Jacinta Willems, Naturopathic Doctor
Heather Steenstra
Rebecca Thompson
Judy Lambers
Anita Dreise
Kara Kennedy
Deserae Noone
Dr. Ana Candia, ND
Christel Mikelic teacher
Kyra Aylsworth
Dr. Alyssa Shepherd DC MSc
Danielle Crawford
Simone Coulter RN
Justine Lombardi, OCT
Dr. Anita Kieswetter ND
Christina H
Natalie kruzic
Debbie Smrz, ND
Kristina MacRory - RN
Kinga Babicki-Farrugia
Danielle - Early Childhood Educator
Dr. Lisa Vecchi, ND
Katy Groves
Ilana Katz, Speech-Language Pathologist
Jo-Anne Schyvenaars, Spec. Ed Teacher
Dr. Danielle DeBlock, ND
Adam Prinsen ND
Fiona Batte
Laura Cook
Melanie Grime
dave sumner Retired, Grand Parent
Jonathan Beatty ND
Heather Jones
Jennifer Reaburn
Andrea Fitzgerald
Katherine Peloso Smith RHN
Lori Brooks Early Childhood Educator in Full Day Kindergarten
Lyudmila Sivak
Elly Jenkyns ND
Lyudmila Sivak, JD
Holly Nguyen
Kym T, artist, advocate for truth freedom & health
Alicja Kukielczynska, R.D.H
Astrit Toffolo
Pamela M. Engler
Emmy Pickering
Candice Greatrix
Johanna - Teacher
Alison Richards
Nicole Imeneo
Angela Sergio
Joseph Turturici
Alicia Turturici
Leslie J Stephens
Erin Fabiano
Wendy Taylor
Marie , OCT
Ashley (Teacher and Mom)
Kevin Snow
Julia Giang OCT
Vince Imeneo
Dr. Janice Wu, ND and Doula
Marie , OCT
Lindsay Bast, ND
Karen Weyler RECE
Jeremiah Blake
Marissa Cain
Kevin Snow
Andrea ashamalla
Megan Williams
Angela Sergio
Click here to add your name as an organization or individual
1. Epidemiological Summary of Covid-19 Cases June 7, 2020. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html#a3
2. Epidemiology of COVID-19 among Children in China. Pediatrics 2020:e20200702 doi:10.1542/peds.2020-0702 pmid:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32179660
3. Covid-19 and Children, Centre for Disease Control www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#COVID-19-and-Children
4. COVID19 - What We Know So Far About Infection in Children https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/what-we-know-children-feb-21-2020.pdf?la=en
5. Munro APS, Faust SN. Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school. Archives of Disease in Childhood Published Online First: 05 May 2020. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-319474
6. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19)
7. Transmission of Covid on Surfaces https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/s0522-cdc-updates-covid-transmission.html
8. Gupta V, Kumar R, Sood U, Singhvi N. Reconciling Hygiene and Cleanliness: A New Perspective from Human Microbiome. Indian J Microbiol. 2020;60(1):37‐44. doi:10.1007/s12088-019-00839-5
9. Lee J. Mental health effects of school closures during COVID-19 [published correction appears in Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2020 Apr 17;:]. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2020;4(6):421. doi:10.1016/S2352-4642(20)30109-7
10. United Nations Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on children https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/policy_brief_on_covid_impact_on_children_16_april_2020.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0AWz2r1C3FncsNb8NDopxXhHGiwXzmWY6qenbOIjkAUoB29BQeuVAFYhU