A group of naturopathic doctors who were concerned about the crisis in Gaza came together to build solidarity and collective support.
Our community conversations revealed a number of collective values, and possible steps to take.
Values and goals include:
Centering the voices/experiences of those most affected
Acknowledging the health impacts of war on all beings
Emphasizing empathy and trauma-informed engagement
Mobilizing the profession to learn and take action on injustice
Building unity within the profession
Share this page
Have curious and compassionate conversations with the people in your life about this situation.
We will also be posting regular ways to be involved. Reach out if you have something to offer!
Keep your eyes on this page or https://www.instagram.com/nestnds/
Out of those conversations emerged a position statement, which was written and reviewed by diverse voices. We invite you to consider the ways in which our naturopathic principles call us to action, for the health and well-being of all affected by this catastrophe.
Sign on to endorse the statement HERE; in order to have an accurate count of individuals who agree, we are asking you to include your name and postal/zip code. We do not plan to publicize this list, and if it seems strategically valuable to do so, we will contact you for your consent first.
If you want to share this directly on your personal social media, you can find the images here.

CALL your personal representatives. Email is okay too. But a phone call tends to carry more weight. A sample script is below - make it your own!
My name is [x]. I’m from [riding/location]. My phone number is [x].
I am calling you to push for (use any of these, or add what it is YOU want your representatives to do):
an urgent ceasefire in Israel and Palestine
immediate return of all hostages, both Israeli and Palestinian
Increased aid and maintenance of a safe and sustainable humanitarian corridor
an end to Israel’s indiscriminate use of force and the mass transfer of civilians in Gaza

Many of us are participating in a weekly fast on Thursdays - please join us!
If you are interested in hunger striking (similar but different intention than fasting), check out https://www.gazastarving.com/

Food is a deeply embedded part of any culture. The cuisine of Israel and Palestine is tightly connected to the Land, and spills over and mixes with traditions from other Middle Eastern, African and Mediterranean cultures. Click through for some recipes to try - a great way to break a fast!

We will be sharing materials to help expand all of our understanding of this complex situation with the goal of building compassion. Let us know if you have any to suggest, and stay tuned for opportunities to discuss what we're learning.
Click here to get started!

Art is a beautiful way to practice mindfulness and expression. It is also tied closely to culture and tradition. Click here for suggestions of things you can create (even if you don't think you're an artist).