Leslie is on the advisory board of NEST, past president and current board member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians, volunteer clinician at Evergreen Centre for street-involved youth, and associate professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She weaves advocacy into her paid, personal, and volunteer life in a variety of ways. She is mother to two budding radical activists, and is currently completing a Masters of Public Health in Family and Community Medicine with a specialization in Community Organizing.

Juliana contributes to the internal logistics and operations of NEST. She was first exposed to the intricacies of social and environmental justice through her Bachelor in Environmental Sciences at McGill University. Becoming a Naturopathic Doctor has woven more threads to understanding how these social complexities always interact with human and world health.

Anna-Liza is a member of NEST, and Manager of Education and Community Development at the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Both these roles allow her to combine her two true loves – holistic health and education. After studying Western Herbalism and obtaining a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, she coordinated education in the fields of urban forestry, horticulture and botany at various environmental not-for-profit organizations. Often found frolicking in local parks, Anna-Liza is passionate about planetary health and environmental justice.

Danielle lives in Stratford, Ontario and is in her second year of practice as a naturopathic doctor. Danielle’s roots of activism stem from her undergraduate career studying environmental science and she has been involved in several events and organizations centred on social and environmental justice since, including VDay, Anova, and Community Justice Initiatives. More recently Danielle became a board member of NEST and is thrilled to be incorporating her passion for advocacy into her professional life.

Elly lives with her family in Niagara and is in her 16th year of practice in the community as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. She has completed Dr. Walter Crinnion’s certification course in Environmental Medicine, and is a current member of the National Association of Environmental Medicine. Elly is an advisory member of NEST, and nourishes her soul by volunteering with her kids at Start Me Up Niagara’s Community Garden.

Suki is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Toronto. As a member of OAND’s Anti-racism Working Group and NEST, she strives to make naturopathic care accessible and continually advocates for sustainable living. The interconnectedness of social issues and individual health is undeniable. By combining the two, Suki hopes to empower and support those in the community to create a better future.

Dr. Angela ND works within a team of 2 sister clinics, Brant Wellness & Rehab and Brant Mental Health Solutions in Brantford Ontario. Her practice focuses on states of burnout caused by trauma. Through her personal and professional journey she’s learned the importance of individual truths within the human experience. Time is relative, age is relative, and truth is relative. In her spare time she likes to volunteer with the local community gardens and especially enjoys facilitating self discovery at the garden sites. The health benefits of getting ‘lost’ in the soil and the plants are beyond compare. In fact, that’s where the Self is often found.
Daria has been in professional practice since 1977, initially as a chiropractor, and since 1981 as a Naturopathic Doctor. As a graduate of the first class of Naturopathic Doctors, she was a participant in the renaissance of the naturopathic medicine in Ontario. As a now senior ND, she began to see the impact that social and environmental injustice had on health and health care delivery. In 2018 she began discussions with John Wellner and Anna-Liza Badaloo of the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors about how ND’s could become more involved within their communities and with organizations that worked for social and environmental justice causes. The vision for NEST was created. Daria continues to follow the activities of NEST, while having input with other organizations on food issues and food security while she focuses on the needs of her patients in her downtown Toronto practice.

Yulia serves the community in Georgina, Ontario by providing pay-what-you-want accessible naturopathic medicine. She maintains a new perennial movement-style native plant garden and tends to the land in ongoing stewardship initiatives with the Nature Conservancy of Canada.

Dr. Katie Smith, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor, clinic supervisor and professor at the Universidad Ana G. Mendez naturopathic medical program in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. She completed her naturopathic medical training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2013 and holds a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology with a minor in psychology from McMaster University. Dr. Smith currently resides in Bayamón, Puerto Rico with her son, her husband and their three chickens. She has a special interest in community health and outreach, mental health, chronic pain, women’s health and pediatrics.